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Man Cave turned Craft Cave

Anyone who saw this post a few weeks ago, knows that my sewing room was in desperate need of some attention.  It was THAT kid in Wal-Mart. The one with disheveled hair, no shoes, mosquito bites on her arms, and an attitude that makes Joe Dirt cringe.  Yes, I had a white trash sewing room.  

Yet I am marketing my things as "delicious baby accessories hand crafted in contemporary styles and stimulating textures."  Kind of an oxymoron.  I needed the office (now craft room-- poor hubs) to reflect what I'm going for, here.  

So, our Christmas gift to each other was a nice, crispy new office! And a crispy new Apple computer and a masculine(ish) desk for it all to compensate the hubs for giving up his dreams of a "man cave."  

So, without further adieu... enjoy!
I adore my teal pegboard!  I just spray painted it with 2 coats of Valspar primer, and then used 2-3 coats of Valspar teal (matte).  It ended up being 2 cans of primer and 2 cans of teal.  The thread, ribbon, and etc items are placed on various pegboard hooks from Lowe's.

I am in love with this desk- you can find it (in pieces) here, at Office Max- Brenton Studio Collection. I also ADORE my sewing machine, the Brother SE 400- it's as inexpensive as you can find (that will embroider and monogram and connect to your PC).  I found it on Amazon.

You name the color, I've got it.  Except hunter green.  Blech.

Did I mentioned we got a new Apple?  I am loving iPhoto's "edge blur" option.. :)

I have accepted that this is as tidy as my shelves will ever be.  I just have too.  much.  stuff.  But a little edge blur action is just what the doctor ordered!

My husband's 27 inch monitor that he had to have.  Oh, look! I'm reading Sweetish Baby's blog!
There you go!  I love it- it's where I'm writing you from as we speak.


  1. Don't hate on HUNTER green!! :) Love itttt! Good job!

  2. great job! i love the teal peg board too! i seriously don't know how you have time to do all this! you put me to shame!

  3. Thanks Megan!! Honestly, I'm so checked out of work this year, that I pretty much am a stay at home mom except for the 9-10 hours I'm away from the house M-F... all of my time at home is completely devoid of any work or though of it!! :)
